Flats Craft
Frogger Frames - White
5 per pack
White Color
X-Small, Small, Medium and Large
5 per pack
The Flats Craft Frogger Frames are the ideal frog legs to suit both foam and Deerhair, in addition to any other frog fly material you could think of.. they are designed to suit all possible frog flies. The tyer can decide to either cut the frame up for a combination of both tied in and inserted frog legs like with Deerhair frogs, or leave the frame intact like with the weedless frog pictured, which has been tied with the XS Frogger frames on the Ahrex PR358 CA Bendback hook in size 4.
These legs have been designed to move when stripped. The thin but very durable materials that joins the legs to the frame, the knees and the ankles, will flex slightly and extend the rear legs on the strip, and recoil on the pause. To enhance this, you can use heat (a cautery tool is perfect), to soften and twist the rear flippers so they are sitting perpendicular to the frame. This creates more resistance in the water.
When tying Deerhair, ensure you use enough of the frame so that the legs are back far enough so that they are not obstructed by the packed deerhair, and so that they are less likely to tail wrap on the hook. You may want to also double up the material from the frame to make a larger bump to push your Deerhair against.
Hook suggestions are too varied to list